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Father Involvement

Ep 32: Ayah, saya sayang kamu (Daddy, I love you.)


Sep 6, 2021

Welcome to the We Are Dads Too podcast. Dads For Life is a national fathering movement that started in 2009 to inspire, mobilise and involve fathers to become good influences in their children’s lives - for life! Numerous studies have found that children do better in nearly all areas of life when they have involved fathers as compared to children with absent fathers. Behind this movement is the Centre for Fathering, a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower fathers to strengthen families. It offers programmes and workshops to equip fathers in all life stages to become effective dads. In 2016, a group of volunteers of the Centre for Fathering came together to focus their efforts on equipping and empowering fathers within the Malay Muslim community in Singapore. It was the birth of Bapa Sepanjang Hayat, or BSH for short. Today, we have with us Surafian, a father of 4 and has been a volunteer with BSH for a number of years.

Do look for Bapa Sepanjang Hayat on Facebook ( and Instagram ( and follow them so that you will not miss any of their activities and events.

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